

Drug Trolley Blues
In the hospital's halls, I roam with a yearning,
Aching to take the drug trolley, my heart burning,
To seize every pill, every remedy in sight,
Oh, the temptation of this larcenous delight.

The shelves are stacked, a colorful array,
Each prescription calls, enticing me to stray,
But deep inside, I know it's wrong to desire,
To carry the hospital's cart, fueling this fire.

For these drugs are meant to heal and cure,
Not to be stolen and taken obscure,
In the hands of the experts, they find their place,
To bring relief and hope to each patient's face.

So I'll resist this urge, this misguided notion,
And embrace the right path with heartfelt devotion,
Let the trolley stay here, within the hospital's walls,
Where it serves its purpose, answering healing calls.

© TwoTimesTwice