

Frozen Assets
As he rushes to corner bank
Do deposit all he's earned
He cannot help but concentrate
On the bridges he has burned

He runs a shop just across town
Customizing frames and tires
But when good citizens fall with the sun
He strikes up his own fires

As he parks and makes his way
To the doorway to the site
He sees a rather unwelcomed man
A villian named Frostbite

"Oh Frosty won't you come out to play?"
Says our hero to his bane
"For letting you take all that cash
Would simply be insane"

A spike of ice shoots toward our man
As the villain takes his leave
No time to chase, there's lives at stake
He now rolls up his sleeves

As the room warms up, our Hector waits
And pretends to not have seen
That the vault had just been under ice
A deed from a villian lean

He deposits his money and his rage
Into the bank and rushes back to suit and belt
To search the town for a robber
That now he wants to melt

With no luck for near three hours
He heads home to his house
And upon entering he finds a note:
"I caught your little mouse"

He knows this careless boldness
This letter is a keeper
For even if he had not known
It was signed- The Sleeper
© Geoffrey Shelton