

Should I?
Words left unsaid,
The silence is deafening,
The silence is eating my soul.

The other is happy.
While the other is broken beyond repair.

Gave out a her heart to the undeserving.
She's broken,
But his happy.
Caring less about the damage his done.

She's left with words, heavy as the mountains,
Her heart which is already broken into pieces also feels too heavy.
Feelings too difficult to comprehend
Should I hate him?
Should I keep loving him?
Should I ignore him?
Should I have my revenge?
Should I keep on waiting till he comes back to me?
Should I keep my hopes alive?
Should I let loose and cry?
Should I let my soul bleed?
Should I let the pain pave it's way to my heart, getting into my veins?

So many questions, but there's answer to none.
© kaya N