

A poetic song
If only I could sing
I'd sing you a song
for the times you feel left out
to tell you that you belong

If only I could sing
I'd sing you a song
that tells you not to feel depressed
when you are caught up in all your wrongs

If only I could sing
I'd sing you a song
for the times you feel weakened
to tell you that you're strong

If only I could sing
I'd sing you a song
that tells you to live life to its fullest
cause that journey's not too long

If only I could sing
I'd sing you a song
for the times you doubt yourself
to tell you that you'll get along

If only I could sing
I'd sing you song
the one that makes you happy
the one you'll remeber lifelong

But you know I am not a good singer
cause that is one thing on which we agreed
and so all the things I wanted to say
are written down in this poem you read...

© unfinished