

Heartache, Right on queue!
Heartbreak right on queue
Forget photos
Shred memories
About someone or rather
Or would you prefer me to say that it's About you?

You, Ms Doom and gloom
Full of angst,
Retaliation never saved your salvation
But I guess
We both ran away at the same time.

Back for more
All bark no bite
Until you did, Dug a tunnel
With your teeth,
Got a shot,
Lot's of blood.

Even a worm would turn,
Blue jay,
So please stop,
No more pecking
Or glimpsey reckoning
To friends made of cardboard,
In a pile,
A hoard.

I will
Remove all my teeth,
For I want to remai
kind despite my anger.

P.s. Cover and Stanza isn't mine, found it on pintrest.