

My apology Letter
Have to be the center of attention, have
to be seen as a stone, not a rock it's unbelievable that none has been caught, it's scary righr?"Or my favorite the victim not just the victim of abuse I am sorry for whoever I hurt, in my past present.....Near future, In my past life. Now yesterday, tomorrow. I am not naming name's
You know who you are! and because my apology list to long. The day after yesterday last week. Oh last year or year's, my apologies😌 crowd this is a long dramatic apology letter.
I am sorry I ruin your day your life, I bet you wonder who I am talking about?? Yeah buddy ol' pal I am sorry🤷🏽‍♀️ thanks for taking the time just to see who's name would pop up 🤣 to
See who I was talking about. I just wanted to see how long you would go on to read this post. You know damn well you are in a cubical, suppose to be working on that important tax file for work. Or you are suppose to be faxing. I know someone's nosey ass🤦🏽‍♀️ 🤥 took time out of their day to read or re-read or see if your name is in this post period.
"Come on now" you read the beginning, wonder how long this post will be. Go on admit it, I bet your ass is either in the bathroom. Going over this post or just now realizing you spent almost a half-hour on the toilet being nosey. 🤣 you know you want to laugh. You know damn well the kid's bedtime 🌙 is now messed up because you are trying to why I am apologizing.
Come now are you still reading this if I tagged you in this post. Your it! I'm up your up and I know your bored.🤪 Sike! I bet you thought you had to share I'm not tagging no one in this post.
I just figured I entertain myself to see how long you would read my post. I bet you are bored you like this post. I know your smiling to yourself, ya life's hard but if gets better. NOSEY!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Life's to short to talk shit. Get a life be happy 😊 "Nobody is talking about your nosey ass!" I am sorry this is my apology letter.
© I'm Not cocky just confident 😉