

Why are you apologizing
Why are you saying sorry
Why are you here
What are you doing here
When I say stop what you are doing
They say "she hate you"
When I criticize you for something
They say "she does not love you"
When I rebuke you
They say"she is not your well wisher we are"
So then let me ask
Why are you here
Do you know how much it hurts
How painful it is
I gave you everything I had
But you never appreciated it
I gave you the best of me
But you never said "thank you"
I saw as a friend (best friend)
But you saw me as an ordinary person
I was always there for you
But you never came when I needed you the most
Strangers offered me help
Strangers encouraged me
Strangers taught me the can do spirit
But you never said "it will be well"
At least that would have made my day
It really hurts
Maybe it wasn't your fault
I wanted to escape from loneliness
I didn't want to cry again
I didn't want to feel sorry for myself
I don't understand why others were happy and I wasn't
So in my dilemma I be friended you
Without knowing the real you
But it okay, such is life
Don't apologise
It really hurts to put an end to it (friendship) all
But I promise you this
I will always come to your aid
I will always love you
Even though you never did
I will always be there for you
This is my promise to you
Even if we are apart
You will always be my best friend