

You Are Enough
She'd be sitting here , on her seat
thinking of how to become who he wants her to be
The red lips, pink cheeks and beautiful eyes
Trust me, there's nothing that she hasn't tried
Here she is, a regular customer of beauty shop
To find the perfect shade of foundation, she'll shop till she drops
In an urgent need to find a dress that has her curves flaunt
Comfort doesn't matter, Its important to find what he wants

I have a word for every 'she' I know and anyone reading this
You are enough, and that's the bliss
You are enough and be you
You are enough and love yourself first
You are enough have some self trust

Learn to love the heart thats beating
Learn to trust it more than anything
Then There's this beautiful mind
There's no other beauty worth a find

Instead of buying paints for face
and making it brighter
Lets find our own trace,
don't be a victim, be a survivor
Survivors have scars,
marks of victory
no delicate hands but these scars make the history.

© poetic_parade

#selflove #youareenough #survivor #makehistory #beauty #Realbeauty #makeup #insecurities #curves #normalise_normal_bodies #loveyourself

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