

Worry beyond me
all my life choices seems wrong
all the choices I will have to make seem wrong
all the bad things I've done,
stand right before me,
worry worry is all I do.

My heart filled up with pain
of the unexpected,
My mind filled with what could go wrong,
I see mistakes where they don't exist,
I see wrongs more than i see right,
Worry, worry is all I do.

I know I shouldn't worry,
I know it'll all be fine,
I've seen it happen,
but I've also seen it become worse,
I've also seen how it could go wrong,
Worry, worry is all I do.

This is all about choices, they tell me,
don't focus on the negative,
don't worry,
but my mind goes to the worry,
like it's home, like it's all it can do,
Worry, worry is all I do.

Yet, choosing not to worry takes strength,
For the time, I don't Worry,
my heart feels lighter,
for the time I don't worry,
everything seems better,
Hope shines bright and
The way out of troubles come,
The way out of pain comes,
Worry, Worry, I chose not to.

#worry #sad #strength

© maryann_t