

unrequited love
I believed in you like children believed in santa clause.
Eventhough I got no visits & presents,
I believed that your non existent love for me was real...
Now I'm figuring out how much of a fool am I
to have hope for such Unrequited Love....
Our love might've been doomed, ill-fated one,
that might be the reason God chose to not let you even know about my existence.
Now I'm left here wondering what am I to do next with this life...
Time ticking faster than the blink of an eye, pens lying dead, seasons going and coming without my consent, people entering into my life to just leave me
and life lying endlessly long.
Nothing seems good like how it was when you were in it.
I'm here agonising on the fact I have to use past tense while speaking of you, who is just a mere memory now...
A wonderful memory like a summer night's dream, a dream that stabs Me and pleases me at the same time.... Always and forever you're here in my heart and I'm stuck in time hoping you're also, while part of me still wants you to have your smile even if it pays the cost of me leaving you