

Life of Women

well, I am pissed and so I decided to take it out here. I get pissed with everyone who gives free advice out of the so-called fake concern. I get pissed when people don't make decisions but are first to find fault when others take any initiative. I get pissed when people try to find a scapegoat for everything that is going wrong in their life. I get pissed with hypocrites and people who take others for granted. I get pissed with liars and especially those over smart ones who think they can get away with it.

I guess I need to be more creative in venting my anger than just saying that I am pissed.

I don't understand why in India the usual norms of society are that once a woman is in her early twenties it's time for her to get married. Her opinion is not even considered. It's a crime to be above thirty and single. There must be something horribly wrong with her if she is more than 30 years old and still single. Let me not even venture what torture she and her parents have to undergo at the hands of so-called well-wishers.

She is reminded every day that she has turned 30 as if she is 'lucy ' from the movie fifty-first dates who need to be reminded of her entire life.

No one ever considers that she is an independent woman who likes her life as a spinster, loves her job and is content in the current situation.

well, she gives in to avoid all the emotional atyachaar and gets married, a year later another saga starts.

you were living a life a of total independence not answerable to anyone else but yourself and suddenly a day after the garland exchange you are expected to dress differently, wear a chain permanently around your neck and a ring in your finger and a bindi on your forehead. You are expected to cook in the kitchen, manage the house and work and excel at it from the first day. we women like losers of the first-order fall for it and slog for hours to clean the house, cook new dishes and the list goes on.

we are not born with those skills, cooking is a skill that is acquired after years of hard work.

Managing a home is a herculean task so why are we expected to excel at all from day one. Why do we women die trying to do the same?