

Leprechaun, wise creatures,
We hear them say,
Drawn by the fairy world,
And created for mischief,
We despise humans.True.
And revive nusiance.True.
They say we hate with our hearts,
And detest with our might,
But never seem to ask why.
Terrible creatures ,
With terrible nature.
Why they chain us when we are seen,
And hate us with their spline,
I do not know.
In hope for freedom,
We give them what they want,
Just enough to make a kingdom,
Yet, they steal our freedom again,
Just when we are certain to see peace.
They yank at our beards,
And tear at our clothes,
Laughing and judging,
Our poor strength of size.
They demand even more treasure,
From our little golden pot,
And steal every coin,
That we found with force.
Wired creatures they say,
Always happy for no reason,
Lets make them sad for good reasons,
Since their cunny little shoes,
Seems to be on loose.