

Moumita's for her this one
In halls of learning, where minds should soar,
A life was brutally silenced, forever more.
Moumita's dreams, like autumn leaves, now fade,
As her screams, like whispers, in silence are made.
Her eyes, once bright with hope and desire,
Now dimly gaze, a lifeless, burning fire.
Her mouth, once whispering secrets sweet,
Now hangs still, a frozen, mournful treat.
The genitals, once a symbol of love and life,
Now bleed, a testament to brutal strife.
The bleeding, a reminder of the pain,
That Moumita endured, in her final refrain.
In this seminar hall, where minds should grow,
A senseless act of violence has taken its toll.
A life was lost, a family left to mourn,
A nation's conscience, forever torn.
Oh, India's daughters, why must you face,
This brutal reality, this endless chase?
For safety, security, and respect to claim,
Your right to live, to love, to live without shame.
Let Moumita's memory be a beacon bright,
A call to action, to end this endless fight.
Let justice be served, let the perpetrators be brought,
To book for their heinous crimes, and forever brought.
May her sacrifice not be in vain,
May it ignite a flame that will forever remain.
A flame that burns for justice and equality,
For all women's rights, and humanity.
© Pinku