

Thank You
For proving me wrong before.

For proving me wrong again.

For a moment of rest.

For loving me.

For letting me love you.

For energy sharing.

For wanting me.

For wearing my shirt.

For saying "Oh, I see."

For kissing me when I wake up.

For kissing me when I arrive.

For kissing me when I leave.

For wanting to kiss me.

For wanting to hold me.

For the faces you make whether you realize you do or not.

For all the times you've forgiven me.

For not wanting sex instead of just not wanting sex with me.

For putting up with how shocked I am every time you want to hold me or kiss me.

For understanding how terrified I can be of you getting tired of me.

For not letting me drink that day.

For not getting mad when you understood why I needed a drink.

For not getting mad or upset when you realize why I don't need to drink right now.

For not asking why if you haven't yet.

For missing me when I'm not there.

For the thousand ways you make me smile.

For thinking about me all the time.

For the tired old joke you make every time anyone says the word liquor.

For the way you look at me so incredulously when I'm insecure, not because I'm insecure, but because I shouldn't be anymore.

For being honest with me.

For forgiving the only lies I ever tell; "I'm okay," "It's nothing," "I'm okay with that/this"

For the thing I still don't think I can list here.

For not immediately saying no to what I asked you the other day.

For loving me even though it can scare you.

For being made for me.

For dancing at the club while I sat near you because no one ever wanted to dance with me before.

For being the boy I was made for.

For holding my hand in public.

For being the love of my life.