

Ode to the Sacred Ganges

O Ganges, river of celestial grace,
Thy waters flow with tales of ancient lore,
From snow-clad peaks to plains where time's embrace
Has marked thy course in myths forevermore.

Thou art the lifeblood of this sacred land,
A liquid hymn to gods and mortals sung,
In thee, the pulse of India's heart and hand,
Through ages past, thy holy praises rung.

From Vishnu's toe to Shiva's matted hair,
Thy birth is whispered in the temple’s halls,
A river borne from heaven's tender care,
Whose touch absolves and purifies all souls.

On thy banks, the faithful come to pray,
To wash away the sins of mortal strife,
In rituals of dawn and twilight's sway,
They seek thy blessing, source of sacred life.

Thy current, swift, yet gentle as a sigh,
Reflects the twilight hues of saffron skies,
Where saints and seekers rest, their spirits high,
In silent awe where holy silence lies.

O Ganges, bearer of the sacred ash,
Where pyres burn and souls to heaven rise,
In thee, the cycle ends and starts afresh,
A testament to life’s eternal ties.

In every ripple, wisdom’s whispers flow,
A murmur of the ages, pure and wise,
Thou art the thread where all creation’s glow
Is woven with the light of sacred skies.

O river, blessed by gods and held in awe,
Thy waters speak of life's unending grace,
In thee, we find the cosmic, timeless law,
A holy path, in every current traced.

So let us, hearts and hands in reverence raised,
Sing praises to thy sacred, endless tide,
For in thy depths, the divine light is praised,
The Ganges, our eternal, holy guide.

© AJ Wappelhorst/Bear Klan Media

#nature #poem #poetrycommunity