

Wings of Harmony
Wrapped tightly like a snug duvet, safety abundantly surrounds.
Specks of fairy dust adorn your wings; elegant-ivory white
Soft cushioned feathers absorb the seeping darkness beyond
Prismatic beauty entangled within your delicate sight
"Dare not to be afraid" resonance lingering in the atmosphere, your words light like air
A glow so tender and mild, encrusted within diamond as brilliantly it shines
Shed away your fear, nestle under my wings of guidance; hold tight to your benevolent flare
Wishful and wise, eyes of porcelain shine: portals of heaven lie behind
"Fear not the rain child" I'll absorb every droplet to water the flowers
Soar as high as your light can rise, be as mystical as the stars drifting the skies
I'll shelter you while the thunder harken beyond
Charred & tattered, my wings would fall frail, before I let the searing fire near
Guardian, an oath to be insurmountable despite despair
Golden metallic chasm to venture together; hand in hand
Graceful wings of steel, shield my soul of fear
Stolen, sundered smiles: "Never give in my child"
Beauty so perfect, so preciously rare
A stem of life, from a fallen star
Harmonic songs sung as your demure essence is blown through the air:
gentle like a refreshing summer breeze
Eyes of encapsulated war, drained but, fresh with hope to persevere
A champion of honor, prideful like a martyr
"Pride hungers like a beast in the night, never be naive to be ensnared"
Dreams of forgotten hope retold, page after page as our young learned
Desolation corrupts the soul, wings heal the broken holes
Feathers descend from the sky, but never too far from our minds
Poison is awaits, every corner could hold suffering so abundantly clear;
rich noxious venom pumped into our veins downplaying our sanity
Cascading feathers are plucked by Thantos wicked glare; as age claims bones
Wings tender, broken and bruised; wings grow anew
Resillent resisting, paying its due, to once nestled we was in the womb
A path treacherous, a decisive goal; wanning clarity
As a new tale is told

© Kyo

Thankyou for reading! I appreciate it very much! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! Have a great day


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