

The beauty of life...
Life itself is a beautiful thing...

When we born - a beautiful smile appears on our loved one's face...

When we starts calling maa - most happiest tears comes from mother's eyes & those tears will make her to forgot the pain she tolerated during delievery..

When we start to step on the floor- Father prides himself with a hope as we will make him proud one day...

When we starts studying - education itself teaches us to respect our elders, teaches us to be good with others, teaches the morals...

When we help someone with humanity - that someone will also keep you in their heart & respects you.. We can see the gratitude in someone 's eyes..

When you love someone - when they felt sorrow, tears will roll from your eyes.. it is the beauty of feeling love.

When you get married - the trust you keep on your spouse will make your bond more stronger...

When you are going to be parents - the period of being mother, fill the parents heart with happiness & with the dreams of their child thoughts..

When you become old - the way your children treats you defines you.. Means the lessons you taught, ethics & values you gave them...

Everything is beautiful...
We are reason for someone smile,
For someone's happy tears,
For someone 's hope,
For knowledge,
For someone's gratitude,
For someone' s sorrow,
For being someone's life,
For dreaming about someone & finally for being a definition for our parent's ethics & morals..

Beauty is not in our body, it is in our behaviour...