

An old porch as dim as the night without stars,
Stood the silhouette of a woman,
Who bear the unique beauty of the unnamed goddess.
Hair as black as the ebony so soft,
Lips as red as cherry,
Skin as delicate as evening snowflakes.
And her eyes, though they are as colorful as the cold sea breeze,
I could still see the sadness and unbearable pain.

Upon that second glance at her, I realized she's barefoot,
Her tiny feet touches the wooden floor;
Where it creates a creaking sound as she move.
She is staring at the starless sky of the night.
But all I knew, there's a lonely moon up there,
And hid behind the thick dark grey clouds,
Who is ashamed she might witness how it shine poorly.

It is evening at the Northern parts of the world,
The whole place are as quite as the universe combined.
Even the night crickets and frogs never made a sound,
Afraid they will destroy the tranquility of the moment.

I stared back at the silhouette beauty,
Only to witness how slowly she disappears. 
Teary-eyed, I tried to grasp every parts of her,
But she just showed me her brightest smile that I alone can see,
My evening star,she is now leaving me.

And up there she goes,
Carried by the wind are fragments of her.
Sparkles, and shine so bright.
Made the sky become an endless sea,
Bestowed with waves of light as colorful as a rainbow.
With a pang in my chest, a smile has formed in my lips and feel that bit of longingness.
I stared at the only star who made the sky so grandeur and magical.
Yes, she is Aurora,
My faded Aurora.
My light bearer in the midst of my darkest times.

Who chose to leave me alone,
To give hope and courage to everyone,
Those who are confused and lost in their life's trail;
Those who stayed in the dark for too long and can't find their way out.
But sooner I'll join her,
And it would be the most colorful sky above all things on earth.
                   (more of a prose)

07.16.21, 12:45pm

© melai2020