

Love is Beautiful!❤
Loving someone isn't like the magazines you read or the stories on your tv screen. When they only show you the good parts because that's how people think it should be. When you really love someone you see the hidden scenes and can read in between the lines. You're there when things don't always go right. You're there when when they need you most and that's because sometimes they've given up on hope. So you're there to help them see how beautiful they are. When in their mind they can't see that far because it's cloudy from worries and stress of the world. Loving someone is much more than happy. It's also sad because you know that a person is only human and we go through struggles and we have to pick our fights. Loving someone is a privilege too because you know you have someone always there for you. You need each other. You have an incredible bond like no other can compare. It's a precious gift that's wrapped for two. Loving someone is a true story that you share together. It's "I Love You" for who you are and it comes from the heart. - 🖤 Angel