

Forgetting You forever
Watching Ur fake smile's
I just turn my eyes,
Listening Ur fake talk's
My ears just gets blocks.
Feeling Ur fake love,
My heart ALWAYS get broke.
Why can't you stop being so fake,
Showing every day that you love me,
But having another affair.
Why can't you stop bothering me,
I just hate when you are near me.
I just feel shame of having you in my dreams.
I know my words hit Ur heart so hard,
But still Ur following me,
In a hope that I'll forget what u did to me?
Am I a fool to believe u so soon?
I don't want anyone to play with me...
I don't want anyone to play with my feelings,
I don't want anyone to play with my heart,
So please go away so far,
Because I won't let u anymore break my heart.
You don't need to worry about me..
I'll forget you as a nightmare
And move in my life .

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