

believing in God
These days I just feel lonely
while not wanting to leave my house
or talk to new people
or go to church
I’ve been searching for my purpose lately
My Sunday school leader asked if I
was okay today
And I said I was
but then I told him the truth
about searching for my purpose
and that I wasn’t sure that I believed
in God anymore or that the Bible was true
He pointed out that I talk to God
even though I say I don’t believe in Him
I wish I could believe in Him
because I have no one else to talk to
But I want Him to be more than just
this virtual diary where I pour out my heart
I want Him to be my Lord and my Savior and
my God
More than just an imaginary friend to suit my childish whims
More than just a genie
More than anything in this world
I don’t want my purpose to become my idol
I need to believe in the living God