

Hate Holidays
Oh, the holidays bring me such misery
A time of joy, but not with my family.
The crowds and the noise, the stress and the fray,
Make me yearn for a quiet day.

The pressure to spend, the expectations to meet,
The endless lists of gifts to buy and the ones you get to eat.
The holiday blues, they can be quite a treat,
But I'd rather stay home, and just retreat.

The holidays bring out the worst in me,
A time of cheer, but also of misery.
I long for the peace and quiet of my own space,
Away from the chaos, and crazy family that awaits.

So let me be, let me sit in my shell,
And let the holidays, just pass me by.
I don't care.
I'll find my own joy, in my own way,
And let the holidays, just fade away.

I hate holidays, for its just another day to me..nothing special or to look forward to. never has been any kind of special to me in any kinda way.

Never got presents like most other kids did. just empty promises of it will be better next year or an IOU we never got to redeem anyway.

So I'll skip the crappy holidays and hide away from everyone who thinks it's a special day in any type of way.

© jenniejesterapel