

Ten Thoughts To Ponder
1. Life is not a fast-paced journey, don't rush.
2. When you feel weary and drained, keep hydrated. h2o will make you feel better.
3. In a new places and culture, learn to adapt.
4. Learn to smile genuinely. It boosts your happy spirit.
5.Swearing is not bad, it's just an expression.
6. Don't dwell in the past instead build yourself to become the BEST version.
7. Happy heart and thoughts will let you live longer than 80's.
8. Wherever you are and whomever you are with, don't fake yourself. Just be who you are.
9. When you feel sad and disappointed, cry. And you'll feel better after that.
10. When you feel in despair and losing hope, talk to GOD. Tell him all of it as if you are talking to your closest confidante. He will listen, give you comfort, and won't judge you.


© melai2024

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