

On Sunday, I went with my family to the zoo
All animals were caged
but one little bird far away flew

I followed it
for my interest
I gave all my stamina
and chased the bird my best

Then I realised that
I am lost
The temperature outside was cool and it was also frost

Then suddenly,
the bird dissapeared
and a voice from the Bush
could be heard
I started thinking
that it was a leopard

After this came reality
I couldn't utter a single word
Then the little bird's flock rapidly emerged

They distracted the leopard
to save my life
The no. of birds in the flock
were a total of five

The 5 birds were
looking like the leopard's prey
While the the birds were
trying to save me
I ran away from the sideway

I bless the little bird's flock
as they saved my life
Also, on my face
they brought a
big & happy smile