

In everyday, of every hour, in every moment, of every second, that he, can take, he finds himself, now stepping through, the sliding doors, on his way, down the sterilized hallway, to his wifes room, on the ward, to visit, with her, letting her know, he is there, telling her, of the daily events, in whats going on, in his life, while saying hellos and giving out kisses and hugs, from all the family and friends and even working remotely, by his laptop, even spending, some nights, as he keeps, his loving vigil, over her heart, body, mind and soul, in knowing, in hoping, in believing, in trusting, that one moment, very soon, is all, it will take, for her, to now wake up, after her coma state, which has taken away, so many months, of their married life, after an accident, but as, his words were spoken, of being there, for her, in sickness and in health, there is, no other place, he wants to be, than here, in this white, cold room, as he, watches her sleep, with every machine, hooked up, to her, in helping her, to heal.

So now, as the sunlight, beams into the room, he stretches and yawns, as he looks up, at the ceiling tiles, knowing this will be, yet another day, of praying, that she, will wake up, as he then, sits up, in shock, to see, a face, smiling at him, with the voice, of an angel, saying sweetly, talking softly, I Love You.
© PinkPajamaKisses&TeddyBearHugs