

Between the trees
Is where i get lost.
Willow and thorny locust.
Juniper, Oak and cinder,
They give such a peaceful happiness.
Hints of delight.
They rescue me daily.
They keep me so far away from myself.
I walk slowly amoung them,
Penetrating deeps into the woods.
Amoung the rustling leaves of trees,
Is where i get lost.
The world of agony is hitting me hard.
But the autumn leaves
Hit me and say
"i fall, but i rise again".
My world is surrounded with darkness.
But komorebi from the gaps of trees will lit my life.
The beauty of the trees,
Lies in its grounded roots.
Whenever i see them,
Then remaine me to be firm and grounded.
It's roots delving into the earth,
Branches staying strong,
Pointing towards the paradise.
They stand alone betwixt this quiddity,
Longing for myriad of love and care.
Deity weeps as we rob the beauty.
Once we trip the light fantastic in the green blanket,
But now,
We twirl on the expiry...

© pikachu