

you'll be ok
Tears rolling down my eyes
They ask me what's wrong but I keep lying and lying
Nobody understands
I'm tired of crying
Fighting my thoughts
My voices
My pain
I have nothing to lose, nothing to gain
I want to die
Pretending everything is fine
I'm living a lie
Just tell me why
Why am I alive?
How much longer can I survive
I can no longer strive
Let me die slow and painfully
Laugh at my pain one last time
The life that I live
Man it's a shame
Hoping to wake up and it be a game
Fuck this shit
I'm going insane
Running from my brain
Losing my hope
I cut myself
That's how I cope
Contemplating suicide
Just don't have the courage
I'll kill myself one day
No matter what anyone has to say
Just like everyone says
“Raee you'll be ok”

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