

Steps to happiness.
The door to tomorrow,
Opens in the shadows of today,
So brush aside the path of sorrow,
And make your way.
Peek into your heart a little,
it needs to be forgiven.
Drink a cup of acceptance,
after all, healing yourself is the true religion.
The past might smirk in your face,
and you might feel the your scar opening again.
Do not be afraid,
that's not how you end but begin.
Slowly take steps,
and you will find yourself dancing,
And to the rhythm of self-love your fears will be passing.
Steadily, the love will weave a haven of understanding,
A word to keep for life,
Isn't the entire process so beautifully enchanting?
You will rise from the ashes as Phoenix do,
It will take some time, might take one try, three or even two.
Stay consistent, the happiness lies ahead in your wake,
You just need to keep working to get what it takes.


© Samiksha Kemwal