

Confined to a small dark corner
I resist to express, I fear my loved ones will disappear
I heard some whispers, the voices unknown, unheard
They said, I am the originator of my own destiny
But the things I hear, the things I see
Unconsciously shaped the reflection I don't wanat to see
Self Rejection, Low Self Esteem, curtail the 'Real Me'
I shape the look I wear, I'm the one to fill the colours of the emotions I bear
They told, I'm not the puppet to dance, on accord of others' opinions
I should mould myself, to the likes and extents of my comforts
Self Recognition, a mile stone in my journey to 'Self Love'
I gained the freedom to paint the strokes of my future
A burden called Society, I got rid off
I was gifted the key, to the world I dreamt of....
Self Value, my wings to fly afar
Over the mindless thoughts of abandonment and pleasing others
'Love Myself' a path I choose, I aspire to reach my goal

#selfvalue #selflove
#bydisha #WricoPoems@Disha29