

my redeemer
In a deep sleep
I was
on my right was my wealth
and on my left was my novel
I could understand
neither my present
nor my past

for the devil
had closed my eyes
moving in a blind life
and all I could reckon of
was to appease my body

He trapped me
with chains of sin
And tied my hands
with ropes of deceit

very soon
he dug a grave
full of blazing fire
to end me

But hey,
Dad sent a redeemer
putting on a white rob
Mighty angels were his servants
And mercy was his gift to me

but he put off his rob
And all his homage
he came near me
and gave my adversaries a bloody nose

he then in loud enthusiasm
ordered the angels and said
"Untie him,set him free and let him go"
And he carried the blame

then I saw light
the grace of God
was revealed to me
I accepted Him to be my savior
And my life changed

It's why I stand
and Glorify his mighty name
for he took my blame
and carried my sins

Written by Kazibwe Paul Jordan from Mubende Kasenyi SS senior two in Uganda
God is my Shepherd