

I am lovesick ❤🎯💕
My heart is heavy and my spirit is low.
I am in love yet consumed by sorrow.

My thoughts are filled with you, my love.
I am unable to sleep, eat, or move.

I am a captive of my own desires.
Invisible ties bind me to you.

I desire your soft touch, kiss, and embrace.
I need you to make me whole again.

But you are far away, and I am so lonely.
I am at a loss and unsure of what to do next.

I am love smitten yet heartbroken.
Now, I am a relic of my past self.

I only wish that you were here with me.
To comfort me and ease my pain.

How long must I endure this suffering?
How do I live with this love sickness?

My heart aches without you by my side.
As days turn into months, I yearn to hold you one more time.

© Mwebe Morgan