

Dominant aspirations
*Dormant aspirations*

*Vitalis X Charlene*

When will I realize that I wasn't the main character of a movie
That I can never be a part of people's memories

When will I realize I'm not a supporting character of a tv series
That I'm only important when people have queries

When will I realize that I'm not a scenery nor a sound effect

When will I realize that I'm only a credit scene
The unattractive, full of words, boring, credit scene
The scene people will never pay any attention to
The scene where words are so small, you don't hear me crying
The scene where people say, "thank you for making this show"
But never really remember the names

When will I learn to love myself as a credit
When will I learn to accept that a credit is just as important
Even though I'm boring, unattractive and unwanted......

To make matters worse,
They dish out invitations
Corrupting my mind as if they carry good intentions,
But never receive any attention,

When will I gonna reject being abused
Attached times being mocked,
Imagine being a joke in crowd
As vile words showers like a heavy cumulonimbus ready to fall.

When will I show I'm that shaft,
Filled with a ribbon reach of gold,
When will everyone treat me with respect,
I'm so self centred, feeling captured,
As if l survive in an empty word,
No one really cares

When will I accept that am ain't anyone's beholder,
Why do,I have to suffer
When will my mind rest this parading,

When will I gonna rise up,
Elucidating a sermon,
When will I gonna steal everyone's attention,
When will I gonna cultivate cheerings

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