

The injustice of this world
When will this ever end
The unfair treatment of the helpless
The hidden conspiracy against the innocent
The persistent abuse of the vulnerable
Who will be their advocate
As they lament and plead their case
Their tears trickle down their eyes in pain
Their faces express deep grief as their muscles shake
Who is their oppressor
He is the man regarded and respected by people
The man loved and recognized in the lime light
With cruelty and greed he maltreats the poor without a fight
With his wealth and influence he commands them out of his sight
Because they have no one to speak on their behalf or a place to hide
Where will they seek refuge
A mother running and crying for help with a child
A boy strategizing on where to move next as he lean on his side
An old man stationed at one place thinking of his plight
A deserted baby crying and yearning for the mother's touch
A girl panicking as she arranged her things to take flight
They are defenseless and worry they may lose their lives
Their families are far away nobody cares if they live or die
Almost everyone wants to take advantage of them
Even when the circumstances do not merit any interference from others
The injustice of this world
But their oppressors will sit and enjoy with their families
They drive in big cars and live in comfortable houses
They benefit from the sweat of the oppressed
And lanquish their wealth on people for fame
They frown and look down the oppressed with pride
They smile yet conceive evil in their hearts
They are loved by people yet they are the main cause of the injustice in society
The injustice of this world
By Anthony Amoah Essah