

'Help Flaunted'
Ain't nobody givin' help unless its on that 5-star help the kinda help to boost your business, finely crafted yelp type help.
Spinnin' down the drain of sinnin'
Drain reserved for deadly reel ins'
Trash too complicated for that type of simple grabage binnin'
While I'm feelin' every feelin'
Peelin' back these endless layers while findin' nothing worth revealin'
Been usin' all the pain I've gained
Just incase a user base is bored & desperately in need of drivel that may serve to entertain
Starting' to anticipate a darker kind of shaded fate revealin' correlations with the drain of sinnin's trash disposal 's
formal dealin's with your unique brand of NASA' s outer space, that lost control chaotic spinnin'
Passin' out from 7G Spinnin' lost control, but still this non expressive owner of this fuckin' winnin' feelin'
© Chem6a