

"Rain on the Roof"
On a rainy night, I stand in my frontage small,
Gazing up at the droplets,as they gently fall,
The Asbestos sheets,a shelter from the Strom,
A refuge where I find peace and my heart can form;
The frogs and crickets ,in harmony , serenade,
their nocturnal chorus ,an enchanting shade,
The cricket's gentle trill ,a soothing sound,
As raindrops touch concrete slab, all around.
In this serene retreat ,I breathe and unwind,
the rhythmic raindrops ,a lullaby to my mind
this small courtyard , haven from the night,
A place where worries fades and clam takes flight;
With every droplets ,a serene peace descends ,
As I stand beneath the rain,my heart and soul mend,
The shelter of my house ,as a preserver tree,
A place where love and clam , forever shine through;
In this drizzly night , I find my peaceful slumber doze,
A place where frogs,Cicades,Ants,
Mosquitoes,beetles,flies are my guests,
Together we'll confront ,the Stroms of night
In euphony and clam a serene delight;
Monsoon season ,a perfect excuse to stay,
within my masonry walls , where warmth holds sway,
A cup of steaming tea, a book in my hand
as raindrops gently fall ,on this cozy land;
The ambient light of lamp , a soft and gentle glow,
Illuminate the pages,as the story starts to flow,
the soul of raindrops, a soothing background hum,
As I delve into the words, my heart and soul becomes marmalade plum;
The world outside fades ,as I turn the page,
lost in the tale ,in this warm and cozy state,
The rain's refrain like ,a lullaby sweet,
As I read and dream ,my heart skips to beat;
In Asbestos sheet and masonry walls, I find my transquil
where words and wisdom ,are my kindly guests,
So let the rain fall, and the thunder roll,
in this comfort space, I am in control;
The Asbestos house ,a shelter from the storm,
A place where stories comes alive and my heart fills with charm,
So, I'll stay and read on this rainy day,
In my cozy Asbestos house ,where love finds its way.

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