

No matter how hard I try
I know you won't come back
Remembering the day you left
I didn't know how to react

To hear the news that was shattering
There were people around me
But not that someone special
I ignored those who talk

Our memories were blown away
Our connection was broken
Time hasn't healed my pain
Or quieted my fears

When no one is around
I cry for that one person I loved and lost
This too shall pass
At least your safe

Looking down on me
Revealing that smile of yours
That made my world real
It just hurts to know that,

You're eternally gone
It's like a thrust in my heart
I know this torment,
Will actually leave a mark

That is left to be stained
Everything happens for a reason
I know in silence you're with me
In the soft breeze,

I can sense your touch
In the sunlight,
I feel your warmth of your being
Life doesn't come with a manual