

Don't look at me with those pitiful eyes
Maybe I am broke but I will still tell you 'I am fine'.
My heart is in pieces but it still beats fine.
I will survive this, Just don't look at me with those eyes.

It's not that I hate you,
I just hate the truth your eyes tells.
Yes, I am pathetic but I am still alive,
Not a demon as your eyes tells.

Don't tell me I am strong,
When I breakdown in my room,
I feel pathetic and numb inside
Because In the end, I am just a coward who can't even cry.

My demons cries for help, I don't know, why?
I even accepted them, is that still not fine?
I am a greedy person but I am not asking you for more,
Just don't look at me with those eyes.

Just look at me straight and tell me those lies again,
Say you miss me, say you love me
I will believe them as a truth again
because lies are still better than that look in your eyes.

© homesick1872