

Do you believe that this world will end, do you know how it will end or when it will end.

well this is a mystery that is yet to manifest,
Didn't your Bible told you that Jesus Christ is the Centre of the end times,
Didn't the Islamic Prophets also spoke about his coming with judgement?
you need to be vigilant and sobber,
- These are the sign of the end times,
Nations shall rise against nations, kingdom against kingdom,
- There will be farmine and bulk of pestilential disease outbreak,
- There will be wars, and roumours of wars, the sun and moon will not give it's light, children will disobey parents, there will be increase in fornication and adultery, there will be scoffers mockers talkatives slanderers who mock the coming of Christ people will be lovers of self and money than lovers of God but the end is not yet.The Gospel will be preached in all end of the earth there will be massive fightings and killings of those who believe in Jesus Christ the saviour they will be brought before Governor and kings to bare withness to testify Jesus, they will be killed and then the end shall come. The king is coming.
© Nyakizzy