

I can't wait to wake up from this dream.
Every passing moment I just want to scream.
Built up inside, wanting to free this hot steam.
Pain always seems to be a recurring theme.

If I manage to break free, will someone be there for me?
This fog is so dense. I can't see.
Stuck for so long, I think I lost the key.
Still, I give everything to others for free.

I'm use to this solidarity now.
I no longer furrow my brow.
Deep inside is a heavy POW!
And all I can say is wow.

Others express their small doing as being so bland.
For me, those times are very grand.
Though much more is at demand,
I have hope that I may expand.

Unfortunately, this feeling has dwindled fast.
I've had no help. I can't remember when I last asked.
The time will come at last,
The final thing I'll see is a bright flash after a deafening blast.

I'm not sure how I've continued on.
Perhaps the assurance of change will spawn.
And my long life has already been drawn.
All I can respond with is a consistent yawn.

Now I should write something cute and sweet.
I love the morning music of the bird's tweet!
Stepping into the shower and feeling the warm heat!
The little things sure are a treat!

I can't wait to wake up from this nightmare.

- Ascending
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