

Wistful in White: A Hospital Yearning
In this hospital room, I dwell alone,
Shoddy blood work, a reminder of my own,
A catheter's tether, a thread to the past,
Longing for home, where memories amass.

The sterile walls close in, a suffocating veil,
Yearning for solace, for the world to unveil,
Aching for sunshine, a breeze on my face,
Instead, I'm confined in this sterile space.

The needles pierce, extracting my hope,
As I dream of home, where emotions elope,
Each passing moment, a melancholic sigh,
A tear escapes, as I wonder why.

I miss the laughter, the warmth of embrace,
The comfort of home, a familiar place,
Yet here I lie, still stuck in this plight,
Hoping for release, for the end of this fight.

In quiet desperation, I cling to the light,
To the memories of home, where everything's right,
With each passing day, the longing intensifies,
A bittersweet symphony of heartache and sighs.

Oh, the day will come, when I'll break free,
From the confines of this hospital, I will flee,
But until that moment, I'll endure the pain,
Holding onto hope, for home's sweet refrain.

© TwoTimesTwice