

only if I had known!!!
if only I knew back then, what I do now. I wouldn't have any regrets.

The only difference I would change a few thing's, opened my eyes a little sooner.

I had always been the good kid. quiet, shy type, outta site, the one nobody really knew.

I had so much to say, but couldn't ever find the word's, too Express what I meant, or how too say it.

I was a nobody, just an simple existence,just there. living in an unfair world.

people were cruel, but I didn't feed into their bullcrap games, I didn't give them the fame they wanted.

after so many tries to hurt me, and bring me down, calling me names.

I didn't give them the response they wanted, I laughed with them. they were so surprised.

after so long they would give up, bc I made them all look, and feel dumb.

I made myself numb and never showed them my pain, bc that's what they wanted.

I just wish I could make the world, see through my eyes. I wish I could make them realize what I know now.

too many children are taken their own life, bc of the bullying, and hatered.

it breaks my heart, in so many ways, I just wish I could save them all, and make them see, taking their live,isnt the way to escape.

their is ways out, and you don't have to deal with these people forever.

Make them feel like they are the outcast. show them no matter what they say or do, will never effect you.

sadly we live in an unfair, cruel world, and we can't change other's, and what they do.

the one thing we can do is change ourselves. not allow them to hurt us, or give them the fame they are so desperately looking for.

we are all made the same, no matter what other's may say, or think, we are all beautiful in our own way.

never ever forget your life matter's and god has a plan for everyone of us. if he didn't then we wouldn't be here.

every human on earth, has an opinion, nobody is ever the same. don't allow your self to hurt, or take your life,or pride.

your life is worth more than you will ever realize. don't ever settle for less, or live your life through the views of everyone else. your better than that.
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