

Inked Truths <3
Inked truths upon the page do lie, Words woven deep, they never die. In shadows cast by quill's embrace, Stories told, leave lasting trace.In midnight's cloak, secrets unfold, Ink spills out, a tale untold.

Each stroke a whisper, each line a sigh, Inked truths beneath the sky.With every stroke, a truth revealed, Inscribed in ink, forever sealed. Through joys and tears, fears unmasked, Inked truths endure, steadfast.

In the dance of letters, meanings bloom, Ink-stained hearts find their room. Though time may fade, and pages turn, Inked truths forever yearn.

So let the pen dance, let the ink flow, Inked truths a legacy bestow. For in the realm of paper and pen, Inked truths live on, again and again.
© Shaaruu'sArt

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