

Pages of Love: A Reader's Tale
In pages worn and words well-trod,
A reader's heart finds solace odd.
For in the realms of ink and lore,
She meets a love forevermore.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,
Her character stands, never to die.
With every turn of a gentle page,
She feels their presence, strong and sage.

In whispers soft, their tale unfolds,
Ink and heart forever holds.
Their love a dance, a sweet ballet,
In the realm where dreams hold sway.

She longs to touch, to hold, to see,
The character who sets her free.
Their essence weaves through every line,
In the tapestry of her design.

In realms where words ignite the soul,
Their love, a flame, beyond control.
For in the heart of every reader true,
Lies the love of characters, tried and true.

© _CB_Ryuu_