

Some would say Bi?
With every step I take,
a flash of her pretty face captures my vision.

I do not know how to express admiration for one by picking features,
and talking about sweet unforgettable actions,
but I do know that I feel what I feel.

Striding past me,
eyes fixated,
a contact assuming the place of a touch,
a whif of her bodily perfume in the air,
the power to stop time.

At the door,
I release the breath I had held in for what felt like minutes,
but a passerby will testify it was but seconds.

Closing my eyes,
my brain doing its work,
I see clips from our encounter,
a beauty of the night,
some would say she was...hot.

Opening my eyes with immediate effect,
I hit myself twice in the face informing myself of my morals, and society's standards that guide my daily life.

I walk back home,
thinking of what a few seconds near her had done to me,
I decided it was time to choose one.

To fulfil my true self's want, and be real, or to push it down like I had done for years and forget the one who scattered my thoughts.

A story I do not wish to share, but a decision I wish to make.
I like both females, and males, and that is me.

© #milialate.4