

Beginning and the End...
Have you ever wondered,
Why all things has an end...
Life beginnings one day,
The truth is,it'll end one day...
Humans were given birth too one day,
Quote this "A day you'll surely die"...
Why is their an end to every thing that exist...???
Ready or not ,
One day you'll be gone...
Beginning and the end...
After we all die ,where do we go next..
Will their still be a place to call home,
Will there still be family and friends,
Will their loves just vanish and end "just like that"...
A quote says "Life doesn't give you what you want,It gives you what you deserve",
Do you mean we all deserve to die,
This is a question without an answer...
One day all things would be gone...
When life gives to you what you deserve one day(Death),
You would love to embrace your loved once,
Only then you discover life has taken all strength away from you,
Saying its what you deserve,
Do we really deserve this...
Why humans...!!!
Do you ever say this to your self,
"I will die one day"...
The question is,
What offence have we truely made that has no forgiveness...
Where are the father that first steped on the ground,
They are no where to be found...
After all the love they sheared,
After all the care they sheared,
After spending their life's being happy,
After all this, life paid them with death,
Is this what they truely deserve...
Life is truely unfair...
The End