

what's going on
As I look at the land I call home...I cant believe all the tragedies going on.....
Take a moment to reflect....
No more prayer in school. .
People lost their moral.... no respect acting and being a fool....
Tearing down monuments
That allowed ever race to be free.... some sickness..... not allowed to leave our home.... now someone tell me wats going on....
Turn on the news and now we fighting each other like they intended for us to....
All of these things has happened before.. cant u see it's the government causing this war. . So we all can become slaves...
In a country were black and white soldiers.... for our freedom.... died.... forgotten along with every thing they had fought for was tossed with them in shallow graves...
United we stood and couldn't be defeated.... now here we stand devided and weakened....just like they had planed....
Cant believe we are falling for their evil scheme.... wake up America this isnt a dream....
We are playing rt into there hands.... turning on each other.... giving them control.... one world order....
Keeping us devided.... while we are being distracted. They are laughing.... watching their plan unfold. .
© babyhicks74