

Social Media
Little me
Stop looking at the little screen
For it kills you softly with insecurity
It is painting your little eyes green
Filling you with nothing but jealousy

All of their posts
Are making you feel like a ghost
Unable to face the fact
Longing to be alive

A platform created for us to brag
A device devised to make our days drag
Making the world realise of our existence
Has now become a competition so significant

I keep on looking at what I do not possess
And now I feel unsatisfied with what I have
I know I should not be too hard on myself
But the more they laugh the more I am depressed

Why do you have to make me feel this way
O social media
Yet I am using you today
How do I deal with this FOMO and nomophobia

I guess it is too late to notice
Every single minute I have been feeding this beast
It grows stronger with each passing minute
And it is biting the hand that feeds it

It is really too late?
Maybe I should just turn off this damn thing
Get out there and live the life that I should have been living
There is my world and there lies my worth
Real, not virtual, not here, never
© rexfaisal