

Find love
In my search for this world, I found love,
A treasure hidden, not easily won or given above.
Through thorny paths and stormy seas, I did roam,
Almost lost my life, in the quest for a home.

But love, it found me, in the depths of despair,
A gentle hand, a soothing chair.
It pampers, it cradles, like a mother's embrace,
A sacred bond, beyond time's ceaseless race.

Are you caught in life's web, its endless spin?
Seeking solace, in the quiet within?
Find love, find God, for the heart is the key,
Unlocking the mysteries of the soul, set free.

For God is love, love is God,
In the silence of the night, in the warmth of the sod.
Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will open wide,
God is love, love is God, in the sweetest whisper, by your side.

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Ruth Oyerinde.