

Before we met,
Long before we met..he was a shy boy,
Each Sunday he was on praise and worship,
Worship was his love...
For he never missed it,,

Before we met,
the streets never knew him..
coz he was a homeboy,,
tending gardens,,and making his own home gym,,,to the perfection of his body,,

Before we met,,,
I never knew him,,but rumours reached me ....
Standard boy,,
Naturally handsome....
Well built body,,,
and a man who maintained his health standards...

But before I came to meet him,,
In person..
The streets had known him,,,
Sugar mummies were all over him,,,
All ladies were all over him,,,

Before the day I came to meet him,,
He had changed,,
He had already learnt about skin care..
cosmetics,,,and natural deodorant,,,cologne,,,,perfumes...
He had changed,,,
He tasted honey and hence decided to be like the bee..
So he changed himself,,,
hence his economy changed,,and he raised his own value...and his own taste....
The streets had you,,,
and you became the boy I'ld never have,,,
coz ...
you changed before we met,,,,
you became a rumour ....

The day we were to meet,,,
I was the girl you never wanted,,,,
So I became the girl you could never have....

© @Rh