


at 10pm, I stared at my terrain,
Found hairs crying in despair,
Shivering as if they were beaten by rain

I heard a languishing song
Meant for those whom kicked the bucket
with a painful heart as they ring the dong

Death.... twas death
must have unleashed sorrow
to a house nigh the desert

A chunky orange man
Death calls to death
Its pitied not his fan
Yet, ended all in minute

on the palm tree
death gaily fell him
He tiredly tumbled in three
As no-one to grip his breath

Pleasant peter perished painfully
Panting powerless just after death calls
Now, he had roam with death to dead
Living his friends to sing his dirge

He surrendered to death
Went everlasting home with death
Yet, living his wealth on earth
'nd never oath to come back again

Now, we weep
As thou will not make us sleep
O, our promise thou never keep

We miss you dearest
Your soul shall dream in peace

© Enyis Shakes